Wednesday 18 September 2019

Project 1

1.  A Story For a Friend  
Dear Friend,  
     My name is … and I am from Russia. Russia is the biggest and, I think, the best country in the world. Look at the Russian flag. It is white, blue and red. If you want to see the flag on the buildings, it is on display on the 22 nd of August, the Flag Day, on the 12 th of June, on the 9 th of May and on some other holidays.  
     I am 11 years old. I am tall (short, of medium height) and slim. I have got an oval (a round) face with blue eye, a small nose and thin ( full ) lips. My hair is short, curly and fair.  
     My favourite sports are … . My hobby is … . I am very good at … (dancing, drawing. swimming, playing football , playing the piano, riding a bike, … ) . I can … very well.  
     My favourite author is … . My favourite book is … . It is about … .My favourite sportsman is … . My favourite actor (actress, singer, … ) is … .  
I want to tell you some words about … . ( Рассказать про любимого героя по модели SB p.16).   
     Can you tell me something about your life?

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