Monday 10 February 2020

Breakfast around the world

What are you going to make for breakfast tomorrow? What do people eat in other parts of the world? In this project I’ll tell you about food traditions in Russia and in some foreign  ['fɔrɪn] countries.

1. Breakfast in foreign countries
(Рассказ по тексту SB p.70)

2. Breakfast in Russia
Проводим опрос своих друзей и знакомых (20 человек) о том, что они едят на завтрак. Заполняем таблицу. По результатам таблицы строим график На основе графика составляем рассказ.

To prepare for this project I asked 20 people from my country, Russia, and learnt what they have for breakfast. Here are the results of my research [rɪ'sɜːʧ].
What do people eat?
Most people eat/have … .
A lot of people eat/have … .
Some people eat/have … .
A few people  eat/have … .
Very few people eat/have … .
What do people drink?
Most people drink/have … .
A lot of people drink/have … .
Some people drink/have … .
A few people drink/have … .
Very few people drink/have … .




Пример таблицы для опроса друзей/родственников

Number of people I talked to





Who eats it

cheese or sausage sandwiches


scrambled eggs


fried eggs


boiled eggs





Пример, как делать слайд презентации 





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